
As a complement to the 2019 reinterpretation and conservation of the C.M. Russell House and Studio, Architecture of Place: the C.M. Russell House and Studio contains a collection of essays, an educational speaker series, and access to digital collections associated with the structures themselves and the people who lived there.

Architecture of Place is part of a new undertaking by the C.M. Russell Museum to enhance the museum’s offering of original research and writing, and provide scholarly and public access to an archive that sheds light on Russell’s artistic process and creative mind. The associated virtual speaker series is part of the museum’s broader goal to increase indigenous perspectives in our interpretation and public offerings, widening our impact within the community. By expanding our online presence and amplifying our unique institutional voice, the museum can continue to enrich the lives of our patrons from afar and impart the relevance of western American experiences, both historic and contemporary, to the general public and a scholarly audience.

This digital publication was generously funded with a grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities.